A Comparative Glance At the Quran and the Gospel

Author: Unknown

Category:Allah (SWT), Holy Quran, Wisdom - Spirituality, Comparative Religion,


Tags:A Comparative Glance At the Quran and the Gospel,Unknown,monotheism,bible,Allah,God,words,quotes,sayings,ve,Allah (SWT),Holy Quran,Wisdom - Spirituality,Comparative Religion

Date: 2020-03-15

The Abrahamic religions believe that the source of the universe is the Only One Allah(SWT). He possesses all virtues and presents religions to man according to His own wisdom so that the religions, as a detached intelligence, can bring to perfection the man's thoughts, rational and theoretical perceptions. This is why we must consider the Abrahamic religions very syncretistic and consistent in principles, doctrines and beliefs that confirm one another. As the principles lay stress on realities and consistent bases of the world, these religions are consistent in themselves and do not contain any instability.

Bada Change in creations destiny by Divine Knowledge